Fall meeting of the SuAsCo CISMA
On November 13th, 2012 at the Garden in the Woods, conservation colleagues from a variety of non-profit, municipal, state, and federal organizations and agencies met to discuss the CISMA’s role in the Nyanza Final Restoration Plan, OARS mapping project, Raising Galerucella beetles, members accomplishments for the 2012 field season, Annual Priority Actions for 2013, and the upcoming steering committee elections.
There was an informal meet and greet starting at 2:30 PM with refreshments. The meeting started at 3:00 PM.
The agenda:
Introduction and Welcome – Lynn Knight, SUASCO CISMA Vice Chair
NYANZA Final Restoration Plan – Roles for the SUASCO CISMA and its Members – Amber Carr, SUASCO CISMA Coordinator/USFWS
OARS Mapping Project – Sue Flint, OARS
Raising Beetles for Purple Loosestrife Control – Katrina Scheiner, NPS, Intern
Guided Roundtable discussion “The Vine” – Lynn Knight and Amber Carr will guide a roundtable discussion amongst CISMA members.
Summary of CISMA Activities from the 2012 Field Season
RSC grant activities – Amber Carr, SUASCO CISMA Coordinator/USFWS
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant activities – Lynn Knight, SUASCO CISMA Vice Chair
Subcommittee Reports on 2011 Annual Priority Action (APA) activities and Proposed APAs for 2012 (Solicit feedback for 2012 APAs)
Upcoming Steering Committee Elections
There is no deadline to join the SuAsCo CISMA. Please attend any CISMA meeting if you would like to learn more about the organization and how you can participate. The Memorandum of Understanding and other related information can be found at http://www.cisma-suasco.org/
Formation of the SuAsCo CISMA has been generously supported by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Sudbury Foundation, and the Concord, Assabet, & Sudbury Wild & Scenic River Stewardship Council.