Weed Warrior Volunteers

The SuAsCo CISMA Weed Warrior Program works to control the spread of invasives in our watershed while creating a local culture of passionate, dedicated community conservationism. 

There are various ways to get involved with Weed Warriors. Choose an option that works best for you.

Option 1. Become a certified Weed Warrior and…

Option 1a. Steward the land individually

This route is best for individuals with a knack for invasive identification and removal who prefer to work alone and on their own schedule! Individual Weed Warriors must be willing to dedicate 2 work sessions per month during the growing season (March – October), and will commit their time to areas that have been identified by local experts as “priority parcels” based on ecological importance and feasibility of eradication.

Option 1b. Lead group stewardship events

This opportunity is ideal for those who are excited about becoming community leaders in conservation or who are comfortable with leading groups of people in the outdoors. Individuals expected to host 2 work sessions per month at their priority parcel during the growing season (March – October), and will post sessions on the Weed Warrior calendar.


    1. Sign Up. Sign up for our Weed Warrior email list to stay up to date on the latest events and trainings.
    2. Attend a Training. Attend a Weed Warrior Training in your area.
    3. Practice Makes Perfect. Attend a follow-up training session, and as many pull events as you’d like to develop your ID and removal skills.
    4. Get Certified. When you’re ready, take the Weed Warriors Exam and get certified.
    5. Meet Your Priority Parcel! Sign up to work on invasive plant control at a priority parcel in your area.
    6. Post It! If choosing option 1b., post your events on our WW calendar to lead other dedicated volunteers at your property.

Need more time? If you want to take the process a bit more slowly, don’t fear! Attend a training, then sign up for individual pull events at your own pace. This will give you the freedom to take your time perfecting your invasive knowledge.

Option 2. Participate in a WW pull event as a support volunteer

Don’t have the time to become a certified Weed Warrior? Attend an invasive pull event, led by a certified Weed Warrior and make a difference in your community.


    1. Sign Up for our Weed Warrior email list to be notified about upcoming events.
    2. Check the Weed Warior calendar for events going on in your area.
    3. Register for any and all events you want to attend.
    4. Receive event details and information by email from the Weed Warrior event organizers.
    5. Attend an event and make a difference while building community.


Interested in joining the cause? We have 9 host organizations that are partnering with us in this program and we will be adding more overtime. Reach out to the organization of your choice to find out more information. If you are ready to get started now, check out the CISMA Calendar for upcoming events.

Town of Ashland– Becca Solomon, bsolomon@ashlandmass.com

Town of Concord– Delia Kaye, dkaye@concordma.gov

Concord Land Conservation Trust– Jane Gruba-Chevalier, jane@concordland.org

Town of Lincoln– Ryan Brown, brownr@lincolntown.org

Lincoln Land Conservation Trust – Sara Lupkas, lupkas@lincolnconservation.org

Town of Littleton-Amy Green, agreen@littletonma.org

Littleton Conservation Trust, Rick Findlay, rfindlay@littletonconservationtrust.org

Town of Maynard– Julia Flanary, jflanary@townofmaynard.net

OARS– Heather Conkerton, hconkerton@oars3rivers.org

Sudbury Valley Trustees– Jane Maloney, jmaloney@svtweb.org