Help remove invasives at Ashland Arboretum which is set to be planted and opened this year. This site was previously home to the Cadilac Paint Factory and has undergone significant remediation. The site is planned to become an outdoor arboretum for the regional community to learn about native plants that can be planted in their own yards. The majority of this site is an open meadow with limited shade. There is a forested section as well, with new accessible paths on part of the property.
Invasives on site include:
- Oriental Bittersweet
- Glossy Buckthorn
- Common Buckthorn
- Multiflora Rose
- Tree of Heaven
- Norway Maple
- Spotted Knapweed
- Mugwort
The focus will be on Bittersweet, Buckthorn, and Multiflora Rose; however, younger participants or other participants unable to use larger tools, can work on hand pulling mugwort and knapweed or assist in moving removed invasives to the collection pile.
Please wear long pants, sun protective clothing, closed-toe shoes, and gloves. Water will be provided; however, you are encouraged to bring you own.
Shovels, shears, loppers, pick mattocks, saws, and other tools, including at least one weed wrench will be provided; however, you are encouraged to bring our own tools if you prefer to do so.
Poison Ivy is on the site, but can generally be avoided. We will have tecnu on site for poison ivy treatment should contact be made.
Additional parking and waiver information will be sent to registrants.
For additional questions about this event, please contact Becca Solomon at