Locate Species This page displays EDD Maps by species. Select a species in the drop-down below. Select a species Porcelain berry Japanese black pine Scotch broom Kudzu Tree-of-Heaven Garlic Mustard Japanese Barberry Oriental Bittersweet Spotted Knapweed Brazilian Waterweed Autumn Olive Burning Bush Hydrilla Bush Honeysuckle Purple Loosestrife Japanese Stiltgrass Eurasian Watermilfoil Common Reed Mile-a-minute Vine Fig Buttercup Multiflora Rose Wineberry European Alder Black Swallowwort Japanese Knotweed Water Chestnut Giant Hogweed Wild Chervil Glossy Buckthorn Broad-leaved Pepperweed Creeping Buttercup Callery Pear Narrow-leaf Bittercress Amur Cork Tree European Rusty Willow and Gray Willow Wall Lettuce Scientific Name: None selected JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use Google Maps. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. To view Google Maps, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then try again.