Videos on Invasive Plant Identification Tips
- Introduction to Invasives, poison ivy and other invasives- Series of SVT videos
- Autumn Olive ID – OutsmartProject
- Exotic Honeysuckle ID – OutsmartProject
- Glossy Buckthorn ID – OutsmartProject
- Japanese Knotweed ID – OutsmartProject
- Japanese Knotweed – Potomac Highlands CWPMA
- Multiflora Rose ID – OutsmartProject
- Purple Loosestrife & Galerucella Beetle – Dave Epstein
Videos on Invasive Insects
*If Spotted Lanternfly, Emerald Ash Borer, or Asian Longhorned Beetle are found report here to Mass. Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR).
- Asian Longhorned Beetle ID – OutsmartProject
- Emerald Ash Borer ID – OutsmartProject
- Gypsy Moth ID – OutsmartProject
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid ID – OutsmartProject
- Winter Moth ID – OutsmartProject
Presentations & Information
- Powerpoint and Script for “Invasives Management- Our Gardens and the Big Picture“
- “Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects”
- “Picking Our Battles” Presentation
- “Invasives Management Planning and Prioritization” Workshop Prestented by SuAsCo CISMA Early Detection and Control Committee
- “Mistaken Identity” – Publication of the New York Botanical Garden on invasive species
- Jess Toro’s presentation video: Taking On Invasives, Battles Won and Lost
- Russ Cohen’s List of edible native plants in Mass. Northeast U.S. and Eastern Canada
- Dan Jaffe’s Taking on Invasives: “Design Less Gardening” handout
- “Control Methods for the Invasive Plant Garlic Mustard”-The Nature Conservancy of Canada
- “Clear As A Lake- Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants and Non-Toxic Treatments”
- Dangerous Travelers: Controlling Invasive Plants along America’s Roadways
- Defending Favorite Places: How Hunters and Anglers Can Stop the Spread of Invasive Species
- Defending Massachusetts against Biological Invaders
- Native Plant Trust (New England Wildflower Society)
- Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers
- 21st Century Tools for Tackling Invasive Plants: Identify, Prioritize, Mobilize!
- Clean your Boat