Please join us for a meeting of the SuAsCo CISMA Steering Committee from 2:00pm – 4:00pm at the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge at 680 Hudson Road in Sudbury, MA. The agenda is below. If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to the CISMA Coordinator at
2:00 pm: Welcome
2:05 pm: Announcements
- New Steering Committee Members/ Officers
- CISMA Small Grant Recipients
- Invasive species legislation
- Additional Announcements
2:15 pm: Updates and prospective actions from Subcommittees
2:40 pm: Teaser for upcoming Invasives Management Planning and Funding Workshop
2:50 pm: Mile-A-Minute Presentation – Gerry DiBello, Westford Conservation Trust
3:00 pm: Glyphosate Presentation – Wjinja Hotzel, UMass Amherst