
Black Swallowwort (Cynanchum louiseae syn: Cynanchum nigrum)
Black or Louis’ swallow-wort (previously Vincetoxicum nigrum and Cynanchum nigrum) is a perennial, twining herbaceous vine. The leaves are oval shaped with pointed tips, 3-4 in. long by 2-3 in. wide, and occur in pairs along the stem. The small five-petaled star shaped flowers are dark purple to almost black with white hairs, about…

Kudzu (Pueraria montana ssp. lobata)
Kudzu, known as “the plant that ate the south” is a perennial, semi-woody vine that can reach 100 feet in length. The alternate, compound leaves consist of three broad leaflets, which are hairy on the undersides and 4-6 inches in length. The clusters of purple flowers, which have a grape-like…

Mile-a-minute Vine (Persicaria perfoliata)
*If found report here to Mass. Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR). Mile-a-minute is an annual scrambling vine native to Asia that can grow to 25 feet in length. Small, curved barbs cover the stem, petioles, and leaf undersides. These sharply pointed barbs can rip clothing and skin. The plant’s bluish-green…

Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
Overview: Deciduous woody perennial plant which grows as a climbing vine and a trailing shrub. Size: Mature plants can attain stem widths of 4 inches in diameter and grow as high as 60 feet into trees. Leaves: Alternate, glossy, nearly as wide as they are long (round), with finely toothed…