
Broad-leaved Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium L.)
Broad-leaved pepperweed, also called tall pepperweed, perennial peppergrass, tall whitetop, giant whiteweed, and ironweed is an herbaceous perennial that can grow up to 5 feet tall. Plants have many stiff, upright stems that grow from a woody crown of roots. Old stems persist through the winter with rosettes of leaves…

Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
Purple loosestrife is an erect perennial herb in the loosestrife family, with a square, woody stem and opposite or whorled leaves. Leaves are lance-shaped, stalkless, and heart-shaped or rounded at the base. Plants are usually covered by a downy pubescence. Loosestrife plants grow from four to ten feet high, depending…

Wall Lettuce (Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort.)
Wall lettuce is a slender annual or biennial herbaceous plant. The smooth, erect stems grow from fibrous roots. Stems are 2–3 feet tall and branch near the top; when broken, they exude a milky fluid that can irritate the skin. Leaves at the base of the stems have deep, pointed…